Authorized RhinoFabStudio
What is a RhinoFabStudio?
A RhinoFabStudio® (fabrication studio) is a digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer-controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.
As an Authorized RhinoFabStudio, you will:
- Be recognized as a leading-edge provider of industrial-grade digital design, analysis, and fabrication expertise.
- Have all of your events and activities published to a worldwide audience.
- Have worldwide access to the specialty experts in every aspect of digital design, analysis, and fabrication.
- Have direct access to many of the digital design, analysis, and fabrication product development teams.
Becoming an Authorized RhinoFabStudio
To become an Authorized RhinoFabStudio, fill out this application and meet these requirements:
- Two years of Rhino modeling experience.
- Completed Rhino + Grasshopper training with a McNeel staff trainer.
- Produced a video or written Rhino or Grasshopper tutorial (dealing with digital fabrication preferred). See examples…
- You or your employer owns an up-to-date Rhino license.
- Have the digital equipment needed to fabricate almost anything.
- Have licensed Rhino plugin or compatible CAM and analysis software.
- Have a RhinoFabStudio web page.
- Offer analysis training and workshops.
- Offer fabrication training and workshops.
- Offer lab time to students and professionals.
- Be a contributing member of the RhinoFabStudio community.
After Approval
Once you are approved:
- You can login and post your RhinoFabStudio events on the RhinoFabStudio event schedule.
- Your details and event schedule will be posted on the Rhino News Blog.
- Your event schedule will be announced in the RhinoFabStudio News e-mails monthly.